West TV Family Handbook
- Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
- Bus Service & Transportation
- Cell Phones and Smart Watches
- Emergency Drills and Closures
- Health Information
- Nutrition Services Information
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
- Parent & School Communication
- School Committees
- School & District Policies and Procedures
- School Hours & Schedule
- School Programs & Personnel
- School Success
- Volunteering
- Volunteer Opportunities
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Student Arrival - Morning Drop Off
· Students can arrive at 7:30am. Please do not have your child arrive before that time as there is no adult supervision. Students will walk to the covered area on the playground and be supervised by Ms. Cereda and Mr. Smith until the bell rings at 7:40am unless they are having breakfast - all breakfast eaters can go directly into the cafeteria at 7:30am.
· At 7:40am all students are able to go directly to class.
· All cars and buses will drop off ONLY in the right lane.
· Our goal is to get cars in and out of the car drop off lane as quickly as possible since both cars and buses will be using the same lane to drop off students. You do not have to be at the very front of the drop offline to let your student out.
· If you need to assist your child in any way with getting out of the car, please do not use the car drop off lane - instead we ask that you pull into a parking space in the lower parking lot and walk your child over to the flagpole and say goodbye.
· If the car drop off line is too long, feel free to park and walk your student to the flagpole.
· Follow the direction of the crossing guard on duty. Arrival Drop-off Option
You also have the option of dropping off your child on the west side of SW 88th (exit car on curb side) and a crossing guard will lead students across Leahy Rd.
Dismissal by Car Pick-up - Breezeway
· Line up in the left “car only” line to pick up student under breezeway.
· Please stay in the left lane and remain in your car.
· A staff member will bring your child to the car.
· Do not change lanes or pull out around stopped vehicles.
· If your child is not under the breezeway when you arrive, you will be asked to circle around again for pick-up.
Dismissal Options
· Park in the upper/lower parking lot and walk to meet your child at parent pick-up area.
· Students wait for parent in the parent pick-up area outside music room and office windows.
· Adults are to avoid waiting on the sidewalk and in the bus loading area for children.
· If you park in the lower lot, please use the bark-chip trail behind the baseball diamond to walk to and from the parking lot.
Dismissal Walking and Biking
· Walkers and bike riders crossing SW Leahy wait near bike rack for a crossing guard.
· Crossing guard escorts the entire group down sidewalk, through crosswalks, and across Leahy Rd.
Late Arrival to School
· Park in lower or upper lot.
· Walk student to office.
· Students must be signed in by an adult at the school office. (Not if students are only a few minutes late.)
Parking During School Events
· Please walk or carpool.
· Park in the upper and lower lots.
· North: Park on on SW 88th & Morrison.
· West: Park on SW Taylor & SW 90th (west of intersection only).
· Do not park on SW Leahy Rd.
Parking Lot Safety
· Use caution in the parking lot and driveways at all times.
· Buses have the right of way.
· Please remember to stop in front of the crosswalk before the breezeway.
· Parking is not allowed in the breezeway during school hours.
· Students are not allowed to travel to or from the parking lot without an adult.
· School parking lot speed limit is 10 mph or less.
· Left drive through lane is CARS ONLY during pick-up and drop-off times.
· Right drive through lane is BUSES ONLY during pick-up and drop-off times. Exceptions: 2 seated cars/trucks or vans with right passenger exit only.
· Please stop at stop signs and painted crosswalks.
· Avoid stopping vehicle on or blocking painted crosswalks.
· We encourage “no vehicle idling” to decrease dangerous exhaust fumes, so please turn off your car engine if you arrive early for dismissal.
Walking and Biking Routes
· From the East: Use asphalt path on the west side of SW Leahy Rd. Use caution to stay well off the road in front of the two houses just east of the school. Enter school property and proceed to the gym using the sidewalk up to the crossing guard at the crosswalk under the breezeway.
· From the South: Arrive through the gate with Catlin Gabel. The gate is locked 7:55 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. school days.
· From the North: Use caution in non-sidewalk areas south of NW Oak St. Please use the lower traffic route of NW Torreyview Dr., up NW Oak St., SW 88th Ave. to cross W Stark St. onto the west side of SW 88th. Use existing paths made by homeowners and stay off the street when possible. There is a crossing guard on duty from 7:20 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. at SW Leahy Rd. and SW 88th Ave. and through the parking lot.
· From West of SW 90th: Use the new sidewalk on the west side of 90th and use caution at the marked, unmanned crosswalk (4-way stop) at SW Taylor St./SW Leahy and SW 90th.
Walking and Biking Safety
· All bikes must always be walked on school property and while crossing streets.
· Correctly fitted and buckled bike helmets are required when biking to and from school.
· We encourage walking or biking in groups.
· “Walking School Buses” are encouraged. This is when parents team up to take turns accompanying groups of children to and from school.
- Late Arrival to School
- Parking During School Events
- Parking Lot Safety
- Walking and Biking Routes
- Walking and Biking Safety
Late Arrival to School
Parking During School Events
Parking Lot Safety
Parking Lot Safety
- Use caution in the parking lot and driveways at all times.
- Buses have the right of way.
- Please remember to stop in front of the crosswalk before the breezeway.
- Parking is not allowed in the breezeway during school hours.
- Students are not allowed to travel to or from the parking lot without an adult.
- School parking lot speed limit is 10 mph or less.
- Left drive through lane is CARS ONLY during pick-up and drop-off times.
- Right drive through lane is BUSES ONLY during pick-up and drop-off times. Exceptions: 2 seated cars/trucks or vans with right passenger exit only.
- Please stop at stop signs and painted crosswalks.
- Avoid stopping vehicle on or blocking painted crosswalks.
- We encourage “no vehicle idling” to decrease dangerous exhaust fumes, so please turn off your car engine if you arrive early for dismissal.
Walking and Biking Routes
Walking and Biking Routes
- From the East: Use asphalt path on the west side of SW Leahy Rd. Use caution to stay well off the road in front of the two houses just east of the school. Enter school property and proceed to the gym using the sidewalk up to the crossing guard at the crosswalk under the breezeway.
- From the South: Arrive through the gate with Catlin Gabel. The gate is locked 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. school days.
- From the North: Use caution in non-sidewalk areas south of NW Oak St. Please use the lower traffic route of NW Torreyview Dr., up NW Oak St., SW 88th Ave. to cross W Stark St. onto the west side of SW 88th. Use existing paths made by homeowners and stay off the street when possible. There is a crossing guard on duty from 8:10 a.m. to 8:25 a.m. at SW Leahy Rd. and SW 88th Ave. and through the parking lot.
- From West of SW 90th: Use the new sidewalk on the west side of 90th and use caution at the marked, unmanned crosswalk (4-way stop) at SW Taylor St./SW Leahy and SW 90th.
Walking and Biking Safety
Walking and Biking Safety
- All bikes must always be walked on school property and while crossing streets.
- Correctly fitted and buckled bike helmets are required when biking to and from school.
- We encourage walking or biking in groups.
- “Walking School Buses” are encouraged. This is when parents team up to take turns accompanying groups of children to and from school.
Bus Service & Transportation
- Bike Riders
- Bus Riders Pledge for Students
- Bus Stop Changes
- Bus Stop Changes
- Riding the School Bus is a Privilege
- Skateboards, Roller Shoes, and Roller Blades
Bike Riders
If your child rides a bike to school please be sure it's a safe bike and they wear a helmet. Parents will be contacted and a bike will be temporarily held at school if a student arrives at school without a helmet. Students riding bicycles are to walk beside the bike whenever they are on the school grounds or the parking areas. Bicycles are not to be ridden on the school grounds between 7:30 am and 3:00 pm. A good secure lock is needed, as the school is not responsible for theft or vandalism. All bikes should be secured at a bike rack.
Bus Riders Pledge for Students
I understand that my school bus driver is responsible for my safety and for the safety of others on my school bus. I also understand that I am to follow the bus driver's instructions and the state of Oregon safety rules as listed here:
- Students being transported are under the authority of the bus driver.
- Fighting, wrestling, or boisterous activity is prohibited on the bus.
- Students shall use the emergency door only in case of emergency.
- Students shall be on time for the bus both morning and afternoon.
- Students shall not eat on the bus.
- Students shall not bring animals, firearms, weapons, or other potentially dangerous materials on the bus.
- Students shall remain seated while the bus is in motion.
- The bus driver may assign students seats.
- When necessary to cross the road, students shall cross in front of the bus, or as instructed by the clear signal of the bus driver. WAIT FOR THE SIGNAL!
- Students shall not extend their hands, arms, or heads through the bus windows.
- Students shall have written permission to leave the bus at other than their regular stop.
- Students shall converse in normal tones; loud or vulgar language is prohibited.
- Students shall not open or close windows without the permission of the bus driver.
- Students shall keep the bus clean and must refrain from damaging it.
- Students shall be courteous to the driver, fellow students, and passersby.
- Students shall keep hands, feet, and objects to themselves.
- Students will select a seat quickly and remain seated at all times. Students must be willing to share a seat with at least one or two other students.
- Electronic devices and toys are not allowed on the school bus. (There are very few approved exceptions.)
- Students who refuse to obey the directions of the bus driver promptly, or refuse to obey regulations, may forfeit their privilege to ride the buses.
Bus Stop Changes
Bus Stop Changes
Students riding the school bus will arrive at the bus stop on time. Students will line up for the bus in the order he/she arrives. There are no "cuts" or privileges because of age, size, or gender. Students will load and unload the bus in a safe and orderly fashion. Students should arrive approximately five minutes before the scheduled time the bus is to arrive. Problems often occur when students arrive too early for the bus and have too much unsupervised time.
Riding the School Bus is a Privilege
Students violating bus rules will initially receive a verbal warning and/or a possible written warning. Further problems may result in a written bus citation. A student who receives a bus citation must have it signed by both the school principal and his/her parents. The principal will determine consequences of the citation. It is possible to lose bus-riding privileges if problems persist.
Skateboards, Roller Shoes, and Roller Blades
Cell Phones and Smart Watches
Emergency Drills and Closures
Beaverton School District has adopted the Standard Response Protocol for responses to emergencies and critical incidents that occur in our schools. The Standard Response Protocol is utilized for students from Kindergarten through twelfth grade. Please take a moment to review the four actions as they are crucial for all Beaverton School District stakeholders.
- Secure – The threat or hazard is outside the of the school building. Secure the perimeter.
- Lockdown – The threat is inside the building. Locks, lights, out of site.
- Evacuate – Evacuate students and staff from one location to another.
- Shelter in Place – Shelter is called when the need for personal protection is necessary.
Fire and evacuation drills are practiced monthly. All other drills are held two or more times per year.
More information on the Standard Response Protocol can be found in the BSD Student and Family Handbook and on the District website.
School Closure for Inclement Weather
School Closure for Inclement Weather
Beaverton Schools must sometimes close due to extreme weather conditions. They may also operate on a two-hour delay schedule or snow route schedule. A two-hour delay means schools will open two hours later than normal. This allows time for thawing and for heavy traffic to subside.
We encourage you to use your judgment when transporting your child to school on icy roads. You may choose to keep your child home for the day. Your child will not be penalized if you decide it is unsafe to travel to school.
Decisions about school closure or delayed start will typically be communicated to media outlets and posted on the district website, via ParentSquare and via social media by 5:30 a.m. You may also locate information at the BSD website or the District 24-hour NEWSLINE at 503-356-4434. The school or District will also call and or text all School Messenger subscribers. Please do not call the school office phone with unnecessary calls.
If the weather becomes extremely bad during the day, school may be dismissed early. The school will follow elected emergency closure plan. If you have more than one student, please make sure that both students have the SAME elected emergency closure plan. If the decision is made to close schools, all evening meetings and night activities will be canceled, including all extracurricular programs and athletic events.
Early or Emergency School Closure
An early closure due to inclement weather or for any other reason are considered emergency school closures. The emergency school closure plan on your child’s enrollment or verification forms will be followed.
Emergency Closure Family Plan
West TV may close early because of power failure or other emergency and an announcement would not be made to the media. Please help reduce anxiety for students and staff by sharing your family plan for an early closure with us. It would be a good idea to discuss procedures with your child in the event of an early closure, to go over your family plan with your child, and ask your child to call you at work as soon as he or she arrives home or at the designated location. Enrollment verification forms will be sent home the first few weeks of school for updates and any changes to the family emergency closure plan.
Health Information
Health Emergencies
If your child is seriously injured or becomes ill, every effort will be made to contact you. Please keep your emergency contact information up-to-date with current phone numbers and those of other responsible adults to call in case you are unavailable.
- Head Lice
- Health Screening Day
- Immunizations
- Medication Required at School
- School Insurance
- When to Keep Your Child Home
Head Lice
In order to prevent the spread of Pediculosis (head lice) in the school setting, students with suspected cases of lice will be referred to office staff for assessment and students found with live lice will be excluded from school. Students excluded from school will be readmitted after re-assessment, by designated staff, to confirm that no live lice are present. Students found with nits will not be excluded but will be subjected to periodic checks to confirm continuing absence of live lice.
Successful treatment of head lice requires a coordinated approach and may involve the use of anti- louse products, combing, and implementation of preventative measures recommended by health authorities. The school will provide parents of students found to have contracted head lice with treatment information. It is the school’s intent to not only eliminate any outbreak or infestation, but also to prevent a repeat episode.
We follow District policy and will communicate with families regarding prevention and treatment of head lice. We will notify all parents of students in a classroom upon the discovery of a single case of live lice in that classroom. In the event that three or more unrelated cases of live lice are diagnosed at a school within a two- week period, all families will be notified.
Health Screening Day
With the supervision of our school nurse and the assistance of volunteers, your child will participate in a vision and hearing screening in grades K, 1st, and 3rd. Hearing and vision screening tools will be used to help identify those students who need a professional examination. You will be notified if your child needs further evaluation.
The Oregon Immunization Law requires a series of immunizations for all children entering school. If the parent does not present evidence of these immunizations, or provide a medical exemption signed by a physician or by the county health department, or sign a religious exemption, the child will not be excluded from school until documentation is provided.
Immunizations for Students Enrolling from Out-of-State
Parents of new students enrolling from out-of-state have a 30-day period in which to obtain immunization records. The school will follow up after the grace period to see if students are in compliance with the law. Students who are not in compliance with the immunization law will be notified regarding the immunizations they need. Students out of compliance will also be given a deadline date after which they will not be allowed to attend school without evidence of having received the immunizations. If the immunization record is not immediately available, parents will be asked to sign for all immunizations.
Medication Required at School
Students who must take medication during school hours must comply with following State and School District requirements:
- If your child needs medication during school hours, please bring the medication in the original container and check it in with school office staff.
- For safety reasons it is critical that your transport the medication and complete the necessary forms at the school.
- Please do not send medication to school with your child.
- Prescription and nonprescription medication must be in the original container. When requested, pharmacists are usually willing to provide two labeled containers for home and school.
- A medication record/authorization card is to be completed by the parent in the school office.
- Administration of nonprescription medication by school personnel requires written instructions from the student's parent/guardian.
- Physician orders are necessary for over the counter medications when the dosage request contradicts the safe dosage directions on the bottle or container. The definition of nonprescription medication is a commercially prepared nonalcohol-based medication necessary for a student to remain in school.
- Self-medication is not allowed in kindergarten through eighth grade.
- Parents should pick up their child's medication on or before the last day of school. Any medication not picked up will not be sent home with students and will be destroyed.
School Insurance
When to Keep Your Child Home
Children who are not feeling well have a difficult time concentrating and are not able to learn. Home is the best place for an ill child.
The question of when is a child too sick to attend school is not always easy to answer. Often parents need to make a judgment call of whether to send their child to school or keep them home to rest. Below are some guidelines provided by the Communicable Disease Division of the Washington County Department of Health and Human Services. They were developed to help prevent the spread of potentially contagious diseases.
Nutrition Services Information
Meal Etiquette
Health department regulations stipulate that students should wash their hands before eating and are not allowed to share any portion of their meals. Students are expected to clean up after themselves, return trays to the proper location, recycle appropriate items, and dispose of garbage in the waste bin.
Meal Times
Breakfast and lunch menus for the current month are posted on the Nutrition Services webpage.
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
The following expectations define responsible behavior for all students at West Tualatin View.
- Practice good manners at all times.
- Use appropriate language and tone of voice.
- Respect the space of others, stay in your personal space, have a safe body, and keep your hands and feet to yourself.
West TV’s discipline plan is devised to monitor and prevent inappropriate and irresponsible behaviors and to teach and encourage safe, respectful, and responsible behaviors. Re-direction and Re-teaching correct behaviors are typical responses for most unwanted behaviors.
Positive Student Behavior Expectations
Parent & School Communication
Parent & Teacher Conferences
Conferences are scheduled for fall and spring. A conference provides an opportunity to discuss your child’s academic achievement and social-emotional learning. Conferences are usually twenty minutes long, so come with a list of questions and comments prepared in advance.
If you have concerns at any other time during the year, please call or email your child’s teacher immediately. It is better to deal with a small concern than to wait until it becomes a major problem.
School and PTC Newsletters
The West TV staff and PTC work hard to make sure families know what is happening at school. Most announcements, newsletters, and school community-related flyers are sent home via email. Emails are sent by ParentSquare from West TV. Please be sure to check your junk or spam folders. Occasionally paper reminders or fliers are sent home and it’s a good idea to check backpacks on a daily basis.
Report Cards - Progress Reports
School Committees
Community Partnership Team
The CPT consist of two or more community members and a staff member. Members are interested in building community partnerships and to advise the development of continuous improvement plans in order to achieve school, district, state and federal goals. More specifically, the CPT advises the principal in the use of school property for civic purposes, shares information with the School Board regarding the needs of our school community, and works to enhance community involvement and participation at the school level. CPT may also act in advisory capacity to support staff in planning, implementing, and monitoring school programs and initiatives, such as creating and maintaining schoolwide technology, language, and assessment agreements.
Members meet at least once per trimester. Non-members are invited to attend meetings and contact CPT members.
Student Leadership
Responsibilities of the West TV 5th Grade Student Leadership Team include:
- Advising the student body on various issues and problem solving.
- Communicating information from the student body to the staff.
- Planning specific school activities.
- Facilitating other leadership activities such as assemblies and school announcements.
- Demonstrating good citizenship skills and acting as a role model for younger students at all times.
Students are chosen through an application process multiple times per year.
School & District Policies and Procedures
- School Attendance
- Classroom Parties
- Dressing for Success
- Field Trips
- Homework Requests (Illness and Vacation)
- Invitations
- Items at School
- Childcare
- Building Rules
- School Pictures
- Internet Access
- Student Directory
School Attendance
We believe regular attendance and punctuality are strong factors in student success. Basic skill development in reading, math, and language is a sequential process. When students are absent, they often miss instruction that includes important building blocks in the development of more general skills. In addition, our inquiry approach to teaching and learning is experiential and collaborative. Make up work is generally a poor substitute because elements from the learning experience cannot be duplicated. For these reasons we want to stress careful consideration of all reasons for an absence, late arrival or early dismissal. All children are expected to attend school regularly with the exception of illness.
- Attendance Line (Report and Absence)
- Leaving School Early
- School Supervision
- After School Student Plans
Attendance Line (Report and Absence)
Please call the attendance line at 503-356-2511 if your child will be absent. This is a 24-hour message line that is checked frequently between 7:30 -9:30 a.m. Leave a message with your child’s first and last name, the teacher’s name, and reason for the absence. If we do not receive a message to verify your child's absence, you will receive a call or email through Student Messenger at 9:00 a.m. Please keep all email addresses and telephone numbers up to date.
Leaving School Early
School Supervision
Students may not arrive at school prior to 7:40 a.m. Supervision begins at 7:40 a.m. and concludes at dismissal at 2:35, unless special arrangements have been made for specific events. If unsupervised students want to play at school after hours, they must first report home or to childcare providers before returning to play.
After School Student Plans
Students are expected to report home or to their daycare after school by their usual method, unless they have a note signed by a parent. Please pre-arrange all after school plans with your children before the school day begins. Students will not be permitted to call home during the school day to make after-school play-dates. Calls to the office should be limited to emergency changes in after-school plans. Do your best to make calls before 1:00pm so that teachers have adequate notice for changes.
Only pick up students early from school for appointments. Please note that calling students out of class early interrupts instruction and disrupts the learning environment for every student.
Classroom Parties
District policy limits room parties to three a year. Parties are usually planned for fall, winter, and spring. The resource parents coordinate these parties through the classroom teacher. Our District Wellness policy limits the amount of food and beverages that do not meet nutritional guidelines to one choice per event. All food choices must be healthy and store bought. No homemade goodies are allowed. In order to be inclusive of all students, food choices must be tailored to meet dietary restrictions and preferences of the class. If you have any questions, need a handout of nutrition standards or a list of healthy food and beverage ideas, please ask at the school office.
Dressing for Success
Appropriate dress and good grooming foster poise and self-confidence. The school is one place where children can practice good grooming. If students make a poor choice in regards to clothing, we will call home for a change of clothing.
Dressing for Active Learning:
- Comfortable.
- Neat and modest.
- Modest tops and dresses with secure straps.
- Safe shoes for active feet.
Articles that are problematic and not permitted:
- Hoodies pulled over head while inside building.
- Sagging pants.
- Logos promoting tobacco or alcohol products.
- Logos or language displaying suggestive, offensive, lewd, or discriminatory language.
- Apparel that interferes with learning climate - including tops that show mid-drift skin or expose the chest. Examples include strapless or spaghetti strap tops and dresses, short-shorts, and very short skirts.
- Make-up and extreme hair color that is distracting.
- Flip-flops, crocs, high heels, and unsecured footwear are unsafe for active play on the playground and physical education classes.
Field Trips
Field trips are available for all grade levels and supplemented by our PTC. Grade level teams work to orchestrate one or two off campus or in-school field trips related to learning targets each year. Students must have written permission to attend off campus field trips.
District school buses or commercial bus services are used for field trips. Private cars are not to be used in order to ensure the safety of students.
District liability insurance does not allow any other children to accompany chaperones on a field trip. All chaperones are required to have a background check.
Homework Requests (Illness and Vacation)
Parents/guardians may make requests for assignments if their child will be unable to attend due to illness or injury. Please keep in mind that homework requests require special attention by the teacher. Because teachers are busy working directly with students during the day, homework requests will be prepared within 24 hours.
Teachers are not expected to prepare homework for vacationing students. Worksheets do not adequately duplicate the concepts taught in class. Depending on the circumstances, teachers may be able to prepare some skill practice pages, but teachers are likely to assign a daily writing journal, reading minutes, to track mileage and expenses, or suggest an online skill practice application.
Items at School
Cell Phones & Electronic Devices
Cell phone and other electronic devices are not allowed to be turned on or used at school without a specific educational purpose and teacher’s permission. Any misuse of an electronic device that interrupts the learning environment will be temporarily confiscated. Any cell phone or device brought to school is done at the owner’s risk. The school will not be responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged devices.
Home-Prepared Food
Toys & Electronics
Students' toys and electronics should be left at home except for a specific purpose, such as sharing time, with teacher permission. Water guns or any look alike weapons are prohibited. Toys distract students from learning, and the school cannot be responsible for lost or stolen personal property. Items brought to school and confiscated will be held by the classroom teacher or in the school office until the end of the school day.
A list of childcare centers and private individuals in the area, who have voiced an interest in doing childcare, is available in the school office. A fee-based before and after-school care program from an outside provider is available at West TV. Please contact the school office for the list. The Beaverton School District and West TV do not screen or endorse any childcare services.
Building Rules
- Animals on District Grounds
- Balloon and Flower Deliveries
- Closed Campus
- Gum
- Playground Visitor Guidelines
- Telephone Use
- Tobacco-Free Environment
- Visitors
Animals on District Grounds
The District recognizes that under proper conditions animals can be properly controlled. At the same time, the presence of animals has resulted in complaints associated with noise, harassment, and hygiene. Dogs and other animals are not allowed on District grounds except under the following conditions:
- Dogs must be kept on a public sidewalk (not District property) and on a leash and under the owners control at all times.
- Service dogs and K9 police units are permitted.
- Occasionally, small animals may visit classrooms at the teacher’s discretion for short periods of time and barring any student allergies or fears.
Balloon and Flower Deliveries
Closed Campus
Beaverton Schools works to keep each and every child safe. Elementary schools operate under a closed campus policy. This policy requests the school office to be notified when:
- Parents or visitors enter the school grounds or building for any reason.
- Students leave the school or school grounds with parental permission.
- Parents are taking their child out of school for any reason.
Playground Visitor Guidelines
- Be model of polite, respectful, and appropriate conduct.
- Volunteer background check is required due to the limited supervision.
- Always check in the office and wear a volunteer badge.
- Do not tickle, pick-up, hold students, or give piggy-back rides.
- Students are working on body control, so the rule to reinforce with students is "Keep your hands to yourself".
- No pushing is allowed on the swings.
- Running games are allowed only on the field and bark chip area.
- Please act as a supervisor of games as well as a participant.
- Adults may supervise organized basketball games and ultimate football.
- Please keep students safe and under constant supervision while visiting.
- Please be mindful that recess supervisors must limit conversations with other adults and concentrate on their responsibilities.
Telephone Use
Only calls that the child's teacher believes are necessary may be made, and calls to arrange afternoon activities are not permitted. All play date arrangements should be made either before school or after the child goes home. If a teacher wishes a student to remain after school, the teacher will call parent/guardian to make arrangements well before dismissal.
Tobacco-Free Environment
Visitors who will have a limited onsite visit, no student supervision responsibilities, and who are within sight and sound of a staff member are not required to undergo a background check.
Volunteers and visitors are asked to please be sensitive to the learning environment and set cell phones on vibrate. Please receive or make calls in areas away from student learning and away from the front office.
School Pictures
Picture Day is in the fall. Students should bring their money envelopes to their teacher on or before Picture Day. Retakes will be scheduled for those students who forgot, were absent, new, and for those who wish to have their pictures retaken. Students who wish to have their pictures retaken must return their original picture packets to the photographer on re-take day.
Photographs are taken by Dorian Studios. Please call 800-215-2553 or visit their website if you have any questions or problems.
Internet Access
Student Directory
The PTC typically publishes an annual student directory. All families are automatically included in the directory based on enrollment and verification information collected by the school. If you do not wish to be included in the directory, please send a note or email to the school office during the first two weeks of the school year. The directory takes some time to compile and will be available as a link to all West TV families. All information contained in the directory may not be used for commercial purposes.
School Hours & Schedule
Before School
After School
School ends at 2:20 pm and students are to be picked up promptly from school. Please make arrangements for dismissal changes in advance of the school day. A note from home is required when there is any change in a student’s after-school routine, or students will be sent home according to their regular dismissal plan.
Changing after-school plans at the last minute should be reserved for emergencies only. Phone calls into the classroom at the end of the day are disruptive to the learning environment.
Office and Teacher Hours
Recesses and Brain Boost
Grade level recesses will vary according to grade level activities and other schedules. All classes have an after lunch recess for 25 minutes on a daily basis. Teachers have the option to schedule another 15 minute recess on the playground once per day. Students and staff participate in 10 or more minutes of physical activity in the classroom first thing in the morning and often several other times throughout the day. This active time in class is called brain boost.
Student School Hours
School Programs & Personnel
- English as a Second Language Teacher
- Intervention Teacher
- Library Media Center
- Nurse
- School Counselor
- School Psycologist
- Resource Room Teacher – Learning Specialist
- Speech and Language Pathologist
- Talented and Gifted
English as a Second Language Teacher
Intervention Teacher
A full-time Intervention Teacher position is part of every elementary school’s certified staff. In collaboration with the classroom teacher, the Intervention Teacher will manage student assessment data, determine academic interventions, and design intervention programs with the classroom teacher for students not meeting benchmark standards. Our intervention emphasis is on literacy, but will include writing and math. Instructional assistants are utilized to work with students and provide additional instructional support.
Library Media Center
Our Nurse is available one day per week and on call to support health education at West TV. The Nurse consults with staff, parents, and students to manage student health plans and medications. In addition, the Nurse enforces the immunization requirements and oversees the operation of the health room.
School Counselor
The School Counselor works with all children in the school through classroom guidance activities to develop positive self-concept, decision-making skills, personal safety, effective ways of communicating ideas and feelings, conflict management, and understanding self and others. In addition, some students will be able to participate in small group or individual counseling experiences designed to help them grow in self-efficacy and social skills. Our Counselor teaches lessons with District adopted health programs, Bully Proofing Our School, Steps to Respect, and Character Strong. Family support resources contact information is also available through the counselor.
School Psycologist
Resource Room Teacher – Learning Specialist
Our Learning Specialist manages all referrals for special education at West TV. In addition to communicating with parents and overseeing the assessment and identification process, the Learning Specialist offers consultation support and direct instruction for students with learning and other disabilities.
Speech and Language Pathologist
This specialist serves children who are identified with communication disorders. Students with speech and language services are identified and qualified through the special education referral and evaluation process. Through an individual educational plan (IEP), children are given individual or small group instruction in speech, listening, and language learning.
Talented and Gifted
Students are screened each fall for Talented and Gifted (TAG) identification. Identification includes the use of tools such as the Kingore Observation Inventory, collections of work samples, and formal standardized assessments. The purpose of identification is to determine a student’s appropriate learning rate and level to provide differentiated instruction within the regular classroom. Parents and teachers may nominate children to be assessed for potential TAG identification.
School Success
Your own reactions and attitudes will go a long way toward determining how your child feels about school. Help your child look forward to school. Talk about school in a positive and friendly way so the child will think of it as a pleasant place to learn and grow.
If your child expresses doubt or fears, don't pass them off. Try to answer all questions in a positive, reassuring way, and let your child know that there will be friendly people at school to help.
Homework is an integral part of the education process. Homework is assigned primarily as independent practice and related to the child’s current school activities.
Homework is assigned to students for the following reasons:
- To complete work started in class.
- To expand and/or enrich regular class work.
- To build interest in reading or learning.
- To give additional practice and application to strengthen the learning.
- To make up work missed due to an absence.
- To develop responsibility and study skills.
When homework is assigned the primary grades (1-3) should not exceed 20-30 minutes per night. The intermediate grades (4-5) should not exceed 40-50 minutes per night. Teachers encourage or require students to spend 20-30 minutes reading each evening. A student may spend more time on homework due to special projects or less time due to finishing the work in class.
Parent-teacher conferences and telephone conversations are recommended for individual concerns regarding your child’s homework. Contact your child’s teacher if:
- Your child worries or frets over homework assignments.
- You or your child does not understand the value of assigned work.
- Your child does not know how to proceed with the assignment.
- You think your child is assigned too much or too little homework.
Suggestions for School Success
- Provide a quiet, well-lit place for the student to do homework.
- Help the student budget his or her time so that a regular schedule for study and/or silent reading is set.
- Take an active interest in what the student is doing in school.
- Ask him or her to explain a particular assignment and tell what is being learned.
- Compliment good work or improvement that is shown.
- Encourage your child to seek additional help from the teacher if he or she seems to be having difficulty with the work.
- Insist upon sufficient rest, proper diet, and periodic checkups to maintain good health.
- Encourage, guide, and at times help your child with homework, but under no circumstance do it for him or her.
- Consult your child's teacher as soon as problems arise to reinforce a positive attitude toward school.
Volunteers play a vital role in meeting the individual needs of many students at West TV. We love to see our volunteers working with students one-on-one, in small groups, assisting in the media center, or working in the resource room. No experience is required, just a willingness to help and a desire to do what is best for students. If you have questions, please contact the office or work with the classroom resource parents. Our PTC volunteer coordinator is also available to assist you with any questions you may have.
Mandatory Background Check
We believe the safety of our students is of the utmost importance. Our parents/guardians and community require us to ensure that anyone who comes in contact with our students is appropriate to work with children. We are now requiring background checks to be conducted on all volunteers. Please visit the District website to complete a volunteer background check. You may volunteer as soon as the background check process is completed and the Public Safety Office has approved you for volunteering.
Parent Teacher Club (PTC)
Volunteer opportunities at West TV are often coordinated through the work of the PTC and are focused on activities that support and enrich learning. All families are automatically members of the Parent Teacher Club and are encouraged to become active supporters by sharing their time and talents.
The PTC has monthly meetings, typically on the second or third Wednesday of the month, at 7:00 p.m. in the library/media center. Meeting dates and reminders will appear in the school and PTC newsletters. Families of West TV students are encouraged to participate by coming to the meetings and by being a part of or leading a committee.
An Executive Board facilitates the PTC. The Board's job is to manage the PTC's financial accounts, help communicate PTC activities, assist the various committees to obtain volunteers, and act as a liaison between parents, staff, and the surrounding community. Please visit our school website for a current list of elected PTC board members or the PTC website at wtvptc.org.
Volunteer Expectations
Identification While Volunteering
All volunteers are required to wear a school-approved name tag at all times when in the building. Volunteers not wearing proper identification should be directed to the school office.
Sign In and Sign Out of Location
Volunteers are expected to sign in and out of the building using the Volunteer Management System. It allows staff to track who is in the building and who participated in specific activities. There is a computer to log into the Volunteer Management System in the school office. Volunteer hours and activities are reported to the Beaverton School Board annually.
Siblings & Other Children
Volunteers may not bring other children when they are scheduled to volunteer.
Volunteers must protect teachers’ and students’ right to privacy. A volunteer may not disclose sensitive school or personal matters which have come to their attention. They should discuss student concerns only with the teacher with whom they are volunteering, or the principal.
Although the job is voluntary, the commitment is professional. Volunteers are there to complete a specific task or assignment. Volunteers are expected to support and maintain an environment conducive to student success. Volunteers should become familiar with and follow all school and classroom policies and practices, including building evacuation, fire drills, etc.
Dependability and Punctuality
Students, teachers and staff members rely on the services performed by volunteers. Volunteers should contact the school if they are unable to volunteer on their scheduled day.
Child Abuse Reporting
Volunteers should report suspected incidents of child abuse. This can include physical abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect. See the school principal immediately to make a report.
Volunteer Opportunities
Art Literacy
Clothes Closet
Beaverton School District families with limited resources are invited to visit the Clothes Closet, a non- profit organization that provides clothing to children in need in grades K-12. Families must obtain pass from the school counselor or the school office in order to visit.
Parent volunteers run the Clothes Closet during the school year. Donations of clothing are always welcome. Donations may be dropped off at the Beaverton Clothes Closet.
Continent Club
The West TV Continent Club is a volunteer run, individualized, sequential, yearlong program that enriches the social studies curriculum. Students learn the location of the world's countries, continents, and oceans. It is a home-based program, providing parents a chance to work with their child.
Continent Club passports are issued to all students in the fall. The passports include countries or geographic features at various challenge levels that students are to learn each month. On passport check day the students receive stamps in their passports if they are able to name the countries and other geographic features correctly. Volunteers are needed for the monthly check day.
General Opportunities
Room Parent
Room parents are assigned to each classroom and are the teacher’s main contact for volunteer support. With a budget from the PTC, room volunteers plan and present three classroom parties each year. Room volunteers also assist the teacher with clerical or other support work as needed. The PTC calls on room volunteers to coordinate others for fundraising and school wide events.